
Cute baby ninja turtles
Cute baby ninja turtles

  1. #Cute baby ninja turtles movie
  2. #Cute baby ninja turtles upgrade
  3. #Cute baby ninja turtles full

But this wasn’t anything to do with leadership, this was his little brother with a bleeding head. Been trying ever since Leo started really trying as a leader, ‘cause that was only fair. “Holy shit Leo, are you okay?” Raph tried not to hover. “Woo! Thanks, Raph!” Leo cried out, clutching the side of his bleeding forehead, “Who even uses brass knuckles, am I right?” The villain vanished through a portal they created.

cute baby ninja turtles

With a roar, he shot out a ninpo-covered fist that launched his little brother’s attacker off of him and into the stratosphere. He hadn’t been close enough to stop the goon from sucker-punching Leo on the side of the head, but he had been close enough to see it happen. The two began to wrestle on the roof of the apartment complex when Leo was pinned to the ground. Raph barely had time to register Leo grit out, “Oh no you don’t,” And chuck his katana after the fleeing figure, teleporting right on top of them. But their villain took the split to start running way faster than before. When the two split up, Leo called out, “Raph and I are left! Donnie, Mikey! You two go right!”Įveryone split accordingly. No one knew which of the two foot-clan knock-off-looking dum-dums had the Necklace of the First Witch.

#Cute baby ninja turtles upgrade

Raph was going to make Donnie upgrade their security system after this whether they liked it or not. Another possibly world-ending artifact had been stolen from the Museum of Art and History. The sun was rising as the Mad Dogz chased two thieves across rooftops. But if everything went according to plan? Then Leo’s face would light up as it used to and they could all finally connect like old times.Įven if Leo was too tired to really participate. Leo would take every mission with the same amount of weight as if it was going to try and end the world as well. That had greater success than trying to get Leo to stop training. Try and make the missions goofy again, the way that they had felt before the Kraang. Raph told Donnie and Mikey to change tactics then.

#Cute baby ninja turtles movie

No video games, movie nights, or general shenanigans outside of what they did on missions. There was no more fun to be had with Leo. They would train with Leo, and when they got tired, Leo would make them rest. So everyone agreed to play along for a while, and maybe one of them could find an opening. Blamed his insomnia for the reason why no one could ever catch him sleeping again. But left to his own devices, Leo attacked training as if he was getting paid by the hour. Sure, he still smiled and joked with them when prompted.

cute baby ninja turtles

Like he was some sort of professional, or it was his job.

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Leo trained, worked, and studied like he was preparing for the Olympics. The moment Donnie checked him out as completely healed, that all stopped. Never pushed himself beyond his limits, ate every nutritional meal placed in front of him, and got as much rest as he needed. All throughout Leo’s physical therapy and recuperation, he had been a suspiciously model patient.

#Cute baby ninja turtles full

It didn’t help that Leo had seemingly become allergic to rest after his full recovery from the Kraang. That Leo would shrug off a hand on fire, and power through any ailment. The other kind of sick Leo was getting harder and harder to notice every time. He would either become the world’s most insufferable winey baby, complaining to whoever would listen about whatever ails he would have. There were two kinds of Leo one could expect when the slider got sick.

Cute baby ninja turtles